We have seen the future, and it sucks.

How the New York Times Covers the Military

23rd September 2010

Read it.

The New York Times on Sunday devoted more than 1,000 words to an article by two of its staff reporters about what it described as “the brutal, premeditated killings of three Afghan civilians — allegedly at the hands of American soldiers.” Today the Times ran another 1,000-word, staff-written article, on the front-page, about gays in the military. Meanwhile, the president posthumously awards the Medal of Honor to Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Richard Etchberger, and the Times handles it with a 230-word squib from the Associated Press wire service.

Eventually, people in the military are going to get tired of being slimed by their own countrymen, and sooner or later one or more of them are going to resort to what the Special Operations people call ‘direct action’. I would not want to be an employee of the New York Times when that day comes.

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