We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Who’s the RINO?

17th September 2010

Read it.

Personally, I am tired of the term “RINO.” Some on the right are quick to label anyone a RINO who disagrees with them, about anything. And yet there are times when the term really does apply.

No shit.

A true Republican in name only is not a politician with a conservative foundation but also a sprinkling of moderate or liberal views on certain issues. John McCain is a good example of that type. A RINO is a politician for whom politics is not a matter of ideology, and the party is only the means to a self-gratifying end. Mike Castle, it appears, may be in that category.

I think that’s too generous to McCain.

One Response to “Who’s the RINO?”

  1. Whitehawk Says:

    I think it’s safe to say that McCain is a RINO. He says he’s a maverick. OK I’ll give him that. He’s a maverick RINO. He votes with republicans once in a while.