We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Barack Obama’s Attempted Character Assassination of Koch Industries

23rd August 2010

Read it.

When the President of the United States, in prepared remarks, launches a broadside against any organization, it is no accident. In the case of Barack Obama and left, we have a new target for this White House — yet another company whose owners take issue with Barack Obama destroying the country.

On August 9th, speaking in Austin, TX, Barack Obama said, “Right now all around this country there are groups with harmless-sounding names like Americans for Prosperity, who are running millions of dollars of ads against Democratic candidates all across the country. And they don’t have to say who exactly the Americans for Prosperity are. You don’t know if it’s a foreign-controlled corporation. You don’t know if it’s a big oil company, or a big bank. You don’t know if it’s a insurance company that wants to see some of the provisions in health reform repealed because it’s good for their bottom line, even if it’s not good for the American people.”

Not really news, although a useful reminder. ‘Progressives’ specialize in ginning up ‘non-profit’ organizations with specious names that usually indicate exactly the opposite of what the organization is devoted to pushing. ‘Southern Poverty Law Center’, for example, which bills itself as the foremost ‘watchdog’ against ‘hate groups’ spreads far more hate than it watches; ‘Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting’ is devoted to vilifying anybody attempting to spread the facts about the leftist agenda; ‘People for the American Way’ is the foremost advocate of socialism in the U.S, the most un-American ‘way’ it is possible to conceive. So this is just another case of left-wing projection, accusing their enemies of the very tactics of which they are arguably the masters. (See Nancy Pelosi, ‘Culture of Corruption’.)

One Response to “Barack Obama’s Attempted Character Assassination of Koch Industries”

  1. Richard Keefe Says:

    Ah yes, the Southern Poverty Law Center, “America’s premier civil rights organization,” with nearly $190 MILLION donor-dollars in the bank, and what’s even funnier is the fact that NOT ONE of the SPLC’s top ten, highest paid executives is a minority. http://wp.me/pCLYZ-67

    The only good thing about the SPLC is that it has siphoned off hundreds of millions of donor dollars over the years that might have gone to even more dangerous causes.