The Burger Lab: The Burger Gadget Edition
20th August 2010
There’s a lot of stuff out there that can only be described as “burger junk.” You know, the things sold on late night informercials that try to convince you that your burgers are not good enough, fast enough, or novel enough for discerning modern palates. In the interest of being utterly thorough, this week I’ve decided to round up five of the most popular burger gadgets and put them through their paces.
August 20th, 2010 at 11:55
1. BBQ involves slow cooking, not frying hamburgers.
2. Sliders are food?
3. Bacon – not mentioned, not pictured, not included. How can that be??
4. The hamburger-shaped-like-a-hotdog thing is just perverted.
5. I suspect that the George Foreman Grill (not included) outsells all these gadgets by several orders of magnitude.