We have seen the future, and it sucks.

UK: FSA launches investigation into offspring of cloned cow entering the food chain

4th August 2010

Read it.

The FSA , the food industry watchdog, said two bulls born in the UK from embryos harvested from a cloned cow had been slaughtered, one of which “will have been eaten”, while the other was stopped from entering the food chain.

Because, God help us, we can’t have the offspring of a cow THAT IS THE EXACT GENETIC COPY OF ANOTHER COW polluting our Precious Bodily Fluids.

  1. Thank God you don’t live in Britain.
  2. Without eternal vigilance, it could happen here. Probably in Vermont; they’re serious about cows up there.

2 Responses to “UK: FSA launches investigation into offspring of cloned cow entering the food chain”

  1. Parabellum Says:

    Have these morons never eaten an apple? Every apple we eat is a clone.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    I certainly get the impression that they’ve never played outdoors.