Ripoff Report Wins Against Extortion Claim
4th August 2010
As Eric Goldman notes, this particular attack appears to have failed miserably, in large part due to the fact that Ripoff Report secretly recorded all of its phone calls. AEI fought against revealing the content of the phone calls, noting that it did not know its staff were being recorded — and, in the end, the judge actually does deem the evidence inadmissible. But just the fact that Ripoff Reports presented the recordings made the two principles from AEI suddenly have their memories jogged, and admit that they might have been “confused” about what was actually said in the calls. From there, the judge found little evidence that the CAP program actually represented any kind of extortion.
What is more common that calling a company and hearing ‘This call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes.’? And yet, if you say that you are recording the call, they won’t even speak to you — I’ve tried it, and it works every time. One-way? Absolutely.