We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Turkey’s Perverted Moral Calculus

8th April 2010

Read it.

Turkey’s treatment of its Kurdish citizens is shameful. In fact, they’re not content to leave the conflict at the border: here’s an old post of ours about their carryings on in Oslo. A Turk in Norway is not a Norwegian. Just ask him: he’s a Turk, first and last. Norway is simply a kafir hole he’s currently occupying.

They’re killling off the remaining Christians or running them out of the country.

As for the Alevites mentioned in the letter to Erdogan, here’s some information about this Shi’ite, left-wing subset of Islam. They are another persecuted minority in Sunni Turkey. This is just one more proof that were the worldwide Caliphate somehow to arrive tomorrow, Islam would quickly turn to a factionalized killing machine. A religion founded on death and violence is never going to live in peace, even with itself. Or maybe especially within its own borders. The ugliest, most repressive forms of this theocracy are on the rise. Average secular Muslims don’t stand a chance against this malign belief system in love with death.

The Yezidis are a fascinating, very old culture. But like other groups relentlessly attacked by Islam, they are in danger of eventual extinction. Just like the Alevites, the Turkish Kurds, the ever-shrinking Christians remnant in Turkey, they are an endangered species. So many small sects are gone past recall. The Turks are doing their share to continue this tradition.

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