We have seen the future, and it sucks.


29th October 2007

Even Steve Sailer sometimes gets it wrong. Perhaps if we paid our military a competitive wage, they wouldn’t look elsewhere for work? Hmm? Actually, they ought to be paid higher than market, including a premium for the risk of getting shot. But no — people like Steve want their monopsony. Dorks.

The dirty little truth is that working for the government means being paid less than a competent person could make in private industry … which is why most government employees come from the shallow end of the gene pool, and take their bonus in petty exercises of power that this monopsony gives them.

And if Steve had bothered to do a little research, he would have found out that “Blackwater” is the name of the area in which their headquarters is located. Don’t go Ron Paul on us, here, Steve.

2 Responses to “Blackwater”

  1. Cathy Says:

    So now we’re supposed to govern by the principles outlined in The Prince? He would be screaming like a little girl (instead of just whining like one) if our government operated according to Macchiavelli. What a whiner.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    On the other hand, we wouldn’t have all this handwringing about oil. We’d own the oil fields and the Arabs would be off screwing camels or whatever it was they did before we decided to treat them like civilized nations.