We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Bystander Raises Concerns After Spotting Eerie Vessel Off Coast: ‘It looks like a surfaced submarine’

17th March 2025

The Cool Down, a Voice of the Crust.

One Reddit user called attention to a strange-looking yacht off the coast of Milos, Greece, and a few commenters shared photos of other massive yachts they had spotted in the area.

In a yacht-focused subreddit, the user shared an image of the superyacht, which one person identified as Olivia O. The vessel measures over 290 feet long and is powered by two diesel engines.

It is indeed the Olivia O, which is somewhat famous for being the only ‘superyacht’ that has an Ulstein X-Bow, which is ordinarily used on offshore support vessels servicing oil platforms and such like.

The writer of the article doesn’t care to do the minimal research it would take to identify it, or explain why it looks that way; she just wants to use it as a hook on which to hang her Climate Change rant, which occupies the bulk of the article.

While the discussion centered around interesting yachts and sailboats users had seen near Milos, the elephant in the room is the negative impact superyachts have on the planet.

It isn’t the ‘elephant in the room’, it’s merely the elephant in her head.

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