We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Illinois Poised To Become Even Worse

18th January 2025

Read it.

As if America needed any more proof that Democrat-ruled Illinois is the worst state in the union, that Democrats don’t care about the suffering of women and children, and that Democrats have no interest in the common good, Illinois Democrats have announced that they will be proposing legislation to “decriminalize sex work.” In other words, they plan on moving step by step toward legalizing prostitution. If successful, Illinois would have the dubious honor of being the first state to decriminalize prostitution.

Well, no; Nevada has had legal prostitution since the 1930s, although it is illegal in parts of the state; like abortion in the U.S., Nevada leaves it up to local authorities. But this would make the first state in which prostitution was legalized on a statewide basis.

The instigators of this offense against women are Chicago Democrat State Representative Will Guzzardi—a product of an Ivy League education—and State Senator Celina Villanueva. They are collaborating with crossdressing man and former prostitute “Reyna” Ortiz and homosexual Brian C. Johnson, another Ivy grad and CEO of Illinois’ infamous LGBTQ+ activist organization, Equality Illinois.

The first step by leftists in their eternal quest to make America unlivable is always to redefine terms, hence the Newspeakian term “sex work,” with its positive connotations of labor and industry. Illinois Democrats hope to destigmatize the degrading purchase of women’s bodies for the hedonistic pleasure of men by associating such evil with other forms of work.

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