We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Enxhi Seli-Zacharias: “These People Kill in the Name of Islam”

30th December 2024

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Enxhi Seli-Zacharias is an Albanian whose family migrated to Germany when she was a child. After being raised in an Islamic society, she experienced living in Germany as a liberation. She is on record as saying: “For me, Islam does not belong to Germany.”

She is now a local politician for the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany), and actively opposes the Islamization of Germany. She resisted allowing the muezzin call to prayer via loudspeaker, and has spoken out against the formation of parallel societies. She supports the introduction of a headscarf ban in schools.

Her contrarian stances on other matters include a call to halt delivery of arms to Ukraine and opposition to vaccination against COVID-19.

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