We have seen the future, and it sucks.

‘I Am Trying, and Admittedly Failing, to Understand How This Makes Sense’

26th December 2024

The Other McCain.

One should never try to “make sense” of Amanda Marcotte. Ever since she first burst upon the national consciousness in 2007 — as one of two feminists (the other being the execrable Melissa McEwan) hired to blog on behalf of Democratic presidential aspirant John Edwards — Marcotte has been an inspiration for mockery hereabouts, and it is still difficult for me to imagine that anyone actually takes her seriously.

Nevertheless, Dana Pico has undertaken to analyze one of Ms. Marcotte’s recent outbursts, concluding that her enthusiasm for transgender athletes is rooted in a secret fear of inferiority: “To Miss Marcotte, any differences [between men and women] at all are a mark of inferiority, and she just can’t let the facts get in her way.” Yes, exactly so.

Example: Conspiracy theory is the new normal: 2024 was the year QAnon went mainstream (Salon)

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