When Hating Isn’t Enough
18th December 2024
The 2024 election tested the limits of identity politics. Not because Kamala Harris was running as a half-black, half-Indian and full-time accent swapper, code switching her way through a multicultural landscape, only to take a beating from a national multicultural electorate.
Call it identity politics, the rainbow coalition or the minority majority, Democrats had tethered their future to defining oppressed groups and organizing them against an equally artificial majority who were given the choice of standing with the oppressed or preserving their privilege.
This construct had so thoroughly defined three generations of Democrat politics with only some very local exceptions that few national politicians know how to run on anything else except organizing racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQAIZ+ people, refugees, drag queens, terrorists, abortionists and illegal aliens into a clumsy alliance to oppose the white cisheteropatriarchy.