We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Kamala Harris Hires Hitler in His ‘Second Career’

24th October 2024

Rod Dreher.

Did you hear? Hitler’s back! Kamala Harris stood outside her official residence and solemnly warned a national television audience on Wednesday that Donald Trump had reportedly admired Nazi generals, and see, see—he’s a fascist! Later in the evening, she said outright on CNN that Donald Trump is a fascist.

She based this claim on reporting in The Atlantic, a liberal magazine who also quoted a former top Trump White House staffer saying that Trump disparaged a dead U.S. soldier of Hispanic descent, using racist language. Inconveniently, the dead soldier’s sister tweeted that it was a lie, and that earlier in the day, she had cast an early vote for, yes, Donald Trump.

Hitler may be back, but then, he never really went away, not for the Democrats and the liberal media when confronted by a Republican president or presidential candidate. When George W. Bush was president, they called him “Bushitler.” The mild, milquetoast Mitt Romney? Hitler (or at least Hitler-ish). The list of Republican figures the American Left has tarred with the Hitler or Nazi brush is as long as it is absurd. Nobody who isn’t already deeply in the Democratic tank takes it seriously anymore. It has become any irritating ideological tic, like progressives accusing anybody who dissents from their radical identity politics dogma ‘racist,’ or some other type of bigot.

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