We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Scientists Say Our Water Cycle Has Started Breaking Down

23rd October 2024

Popular Mechanics.

Think back to elementary school science class, and you’ll likely remember studying the water cycle—staring at an illustration filled with arrows forming an overall circular motion and annotated with words like evaporation, transpiration, condensation, and precipitation. This system forms the bedrock of life on Earth as it moves moisture across the planet, but now scientists think that, for the first time in human history, that system is malfunctioning.

Ah, ‘scientists’. There are a lot of ‘scientists’ in the world. Which ‘scientists’ might these be? After all, ‘scientists’ famously often disagree.

That’s the conclusion of a new report published this week by the Global Commission on the Economics of Water—a group of leading scientists and economists formed in 2022 whose mission is to assess the state of Earth’s hydrological systems and how those systems are being managed. The results are not encouraging. The report finds that demand for fresh water will outstrip supply by more than 40 percent by the end of the decade, mostly due to stresses caused by climate change.

Humm. The Global Commission on the Economics of Water. Sounds pretty impressive. In fact, it sounds like a creature of the U.N., and we know how objective and conscientious such agencies are.

But no; their address is:

OECD Environment Directorate
Climate, Biodiversity and Water Division
2, rue André Pascal
75775 Paris Cedex 16

So they are a creature of the Globalist Crust. And we know how objective and conscientious the Global Crust are.

I don’t think I’ll worry about the ‘water cycle’ just yet.

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