We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Europe and the Middle East: An Opportunity

16th September 2024

Read it.

The Lebanese military militia, Hezbollah, is a formidable opponent of Israel; indeed, it is the key pawn which Iran uses to attack Israel. But that reality can obscure the fact that the Western-recognised terror group also targets the Lebanese population. As the situation in the Middle East is becoming more volatile by the day, the situation in Lebanon is increasingly relevant.

Lebanon was once the ‘Switzerland of the Middle East,’ with a Christian majority living on good terms alongside Muslims, who incidentally have a very secular interpretation of their faith. The influx of Palestinian refugees certainly seems to have played a role in the particularly bloody civil war that tore the country apart in the 1970s and ’80s.

The power wielded by Hezbollah in Lebanon became evident to the whole world with the explosion at the port of Beirut, now 4 years ago. The disaster resulted from the fact that some 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate had been stored there, flouting basic safety rules. At least 218 people were killed, and over 6,000 injured, in widespread damage across the city. It is considered the largest non-nuclear explosion of the 21st century.

As long as Islam exists, ‘jihadis’ will be a problem. It’s been that way for 1400 years, and there is no indication that it will change. Whether our Ruling Class will continue prating how ‘peaceful’ Muslims are while ignoring the mass murder, or whether they will wake up and decide to do something about it, is an exercise left for the reader. (Exercise that doesn’t raise a sweat–my favorite kind.)

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