We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Papers, Please: “You No Longer Have the Right to Say No”

13th September 2024

Read it.

The long-awaited European Vaccination Card (EVC) is finally here — the pilot project is about to be rolled out in five countries. What was considered a “conspiracy theory” a few years ago is now a publicly acknowledged fact.

The following video from The Netherlands discusses the implementation of the new digital vaccination card, more commonly known as a “vax passport”. As expected, it is being marketed for its “convenience”. Some of its notable features are:

  • It can’t be falsified. Unlike the “yellow booklet”, it can’t be faked. Or, more accurately, it will be much harder to fake — you’ll have to pay a lot of money to a technically savvy accomplice (or a skilled hacker) to spoof a digital vaccine passport for you.
  • It will be mandatory. It will no longer be optional; you will have to have an EVC if you want to travel. Yes, that violates the European Charter on the Fundamental Rights of the EU, but we don’t need no stinkin’ fundamental rights, do we?
  • Vaccination records are just the beginning. The new passport will be expanded to include all health data, and will presumably eventually be merged with the Universal Digital ID.
  • Centralized control is being removed from Brussels and transferred to the WHO. Like it or not, the UN is now in charge of the health of European citizens.

An American version will probably take a little longer to implement, but I’m certain the Powers That Be are working on it. It may take another “pandemic” to get the ball rolling. Or maybe a little bit of nuclear war, just to make sure.

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