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‘This Is Fraud’: Ohio Investigators Looking Into Suspect Voter Registrations Tied To Left-Wing Firm

1st September 2024

The Federalist.

Earlier this year, Cincinnati-area voters Cassandra and Harry Scott were puzzled to receive voter registration updates showing they had changed their address. They hadn’t.

The Hamilton County Board of Elections had received two registration forms for the voters from Black Fork Strategies LLC, an Ohio-based “engagement firm that focuses on all aspects of community and electoral field work.” Elections Board staff made the requested changes in the voter rolls and, per Ohio law, sent notice to the voters at their “new address.” That’s when Cassandra and Harry Scott showed up at the BOE office.

“Both of those voters appeared at our office during normal business hours after receiving those acknowledgement cards. The new address that was submitted on these registration cards was actually the place of business for Ms. Cassandra,” Elections Board Director Sherry Poland told Hamilton BOE members at a meeting last month. “She had not moved and did not complete the registration form.”

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