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Berlin Holocaust Memorial Vandalized With Antisemitic Graffiti

29th August 2024

Read it.

The graffiti, sprayed across the sandstone monument, said “Jews are committing genocide” in English. The words “Free Palestine,” accompanied by the image of a Palestinian flag, were sprayed on the ground below it. A local tour guide discovered the vandalism on Wednesday, according to the Juedische Allgemeine, a German Jewish publication.

The incident is the latest in which Holocaust memorials and Jewish sites have been hit with pro-Palestinian and antisemitic graffiti since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war on Oct. 7. Earlier this summer, a Seattle Holocaust museum was tagged with pro-Palestinian graffiti, and U.S. synagogues have also been defaced with anti-Israel messages. In the Netherlands last month, a statue of Anne Frank was vandalized with spray paint, and in the fall a mural in Italy honoring Frank was also damaged.

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