We have seen the future, and it sucks.

U of Michigan’s Pro-Palestinian Student Leaders Have Vowed ‘No Business as Usual’ Unless \the University Divests From Israel

28th August 2024

Read it.

The University of Michigan’s new student government campaigned on a simple message: Until the school agrees to divest from Israel, “No Business As Usual.”

Michigan’s Central Student Government is in charge of disbursing a $1.3 million annual budget, funded by student fees, among hundreds of student groups. But in the wake of its election victory in the spring, the Shut It Down Party is vowing to withhold funding from all student groups unless the university agrees to divest.

“If CSG cannot be used to support our pursuit of divestment, we will take decisive action to disrupt the status quo,” a March campaign statement from the party reads. “We will halt CSG activity and funding dispersal until the University of Michigan divests. We will Shut. It. Down.”

Good. The world would be better off without collecting a bunch of such morons in the same place.

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