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Italy Cracks Down on Migrant ‘Rescue Ships’

28th August 2024

Read it.

Italian authorities have impounded a so-called ‘rescue ship,’ operated by the NGO Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), for failing to cooperate with Italian border guards during its mission to pick up migrants from the Mediterranean Sea. Despite successfully cracking down on illegal migration, Giorgia Meloni’s conservative government continues to face foreign-funded NGOs that collude with human smugglers to take as many migrants as possible to Italy.

The ship in question, the Geo Barents is a rescue and salvage ship owned by a Norwegian company, and currently chartered by Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders). It has carried out ‘sea-rescue operations’ in the Mediterranean since June 2021.

Italian authorities ordered the boat’s sixty-day detention on Monday, August 26th after Geo Barents disembarked 191 rescued migrants at the port of Salerno, near Naples. The captain of the boat has been issued a fine of €3,300. Rome accused Geo Barents of endangering lives and failing to provide prompt information to Italian authorities during a night-time rescue in the central Mediterranean last Friday.

Here’s how the scam works:

  • ‘Migrants’ go to sea from a Turd World country in something that barely floats.
  • ‘Migrants’ somehow manage to get outside the 3-mile limit.
  • Bleeding-heart NGO boats (who have been poised and waiting) swoop in to ‘rescue’ them and take them the rest of the way across the ocean.
  • Illegal immigrant privileges ensue.


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