We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Gallery of Regrettable Food

17th August 2024

Check it out.

What were they thinking? How did they eat this bilge? Good questions, but you won’t find them answered here. This is a simple introduction to poorly photographed foodstuffs and horrid recipes. It’s a wonder anyone in the 40s, 50s and 60s gained any weight; it’s a miracle that people didn’t put down their issue of Life magazine with a slight queasy list to their gut, and decide to sup on a nice bowl of shredded wheat and nothing else. It wasn’t that the food was inedible; it was merely dull. Everything was geared for a timid palate fearful of spice. It wasn’t non- nutritious – no, between the limp boiled vegetables, fat-choked meat cylinders and pink-whipped-jello dessert, you were bound to find a few calories that would drag you into the next day. It’s that the pictures are so hideously unappealing.


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