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Make a (Wild) Wish! PA Congresswoman Organized Birthday Fundraiser for Radical Group That Supports ‘Decriminalizing Hamas’

14th August 2024

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Rep. Susan Wild (D., Pa.), considered one of the most vulnerable House incumbents running for reelection, personally raised money for a “social justice” group that wants to defund police and abolish immigration agencies. It has also expressed support for “decriminalizing Hamas.”

And that’s just the beginning of the American Friends Service Committee’s (AFSC) far-left activism. The Philadelphia-based group blamed Israel for the “root cause” that it said prompted Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist attack. In the 2000s, AFSC organized a series of controversial “dialogue” events with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the former Iranian president who has denied the Holocaust. And decades earlier, AFSC officials defended Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge regime, which murdered 1 million Cambodians in a genocide.

It’s a group whose “mission means a lot to me,” Wild wrote in a June 2020 Facebook post obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. “For my birthday this year, I’m asking for donations to American Friends Service Committee.”

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