We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Counter-Riot Has Only Just Begun

8th August 2024

Read it.

We have witnessed two types of rioting here in the UK since three little girls were murdered in the northern English town of Southport on July 29th by the son of Rwandan immigrants.

There have been physical riots in assorted towns and cities; local outbursts of brick-chucking violent unrest involving clashes with police, and some reprehensible attacks on hostels holding migrants or mosques. These riots pose an immediate problem of public order; they may have abated, at least for now.

And then there is the national counter-riot of political prejudice staged by the Labour government, the mainstream media, and the rest of the liberal establishment, left-handedly hurling brickbats at everybody from Nigel Farage to Elon Musk.

Unlike the incoherent protests on the streets, this top-down political riot has a clear aim: exploiting the unrest to try to shift the blame for Britain’s problems onto “far-right thugs,” smear the white working class as racists, and justify a new crackdown on free speech and democracy.

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