We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Things Are About to Get Ugly in Venezuela

29th July 2024

The Spectator.

Diosdado Cabello, a Chavista deputy, who has served as vice president, acting president, among others, addresses his base. “Brothers and sisters, how are you? Look, once and for all, let’s not think about it anymore, let’s go to the streets, the people to the electoral centers, because they do not understand reasons, but rather popular mobilization.”

“So let’s move, let’s move. They do not understand the reason for the people’s vote, that the people came out to vote in a majority, that there are some results that the [electoral council] is going to give and those results they know do not favor them and they are going to seek to generate violence. So let’s take the before, during and after plan at once. Defense of the vote. Give him a hug with Bolívar, with Chávez, with Maduro, with the people. We will win.”

Unconfirmed pictures are leaking. On FaceTime calls, family members dotted around the world are asking, “how will they steal it?”

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