We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Before the Implosion: Top 20 Media Salutes to ‘Successful’ Joe Biden

28th July 2024

Read it.

Before Joe Biden’s stumbling and incoherent debate performance led panicked journalists to join Democrats in bullying the presumptive Democratic nominee out of the 2024 campaign, the media airwaves were full of praise for Biden’s “enormously consequential” and “extraordinarily successful” presidency.

The “successes” that so impressed journalists, of course, were the *multiple* trillion-dollar-plus legislative packages passed by a friendly Democratic Congress during Biden’s first two years — “accomplishments” that have stoked the awful inflation that’s led most Americans to say the President’s economic policies have failed.

“If you add up those seven pieces of legislation, it’s a $3.5 trillion agenda that Biden and the Democrats have passed since early last year,” political analyst Ryan Lizza gushed on CNN in 2022. “There’s really nothing like that in terms of that scale….He’s sort of in that modern pantheon now.”

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