We have seen the future, and it sucks.

‘Return America to a Dark Past’

27th July 2024

The Other McCain.

One of the things every liberal must believe is Progress, a quasi-religious faith which G.K. Chesterton mocked as “people who prefer Thursday to Wednesday because it is Thursday.” The apostles of Progress would have us believe that 1959 — the year I was born — was a nightmare dystopia, despite those snazy new Chevy station wagons, and that if Donald Trump gets elected in November, we are all going back to 1959.

I remember 1959. I prefer it to now.

Well, sonny, lemme tell you, it was plenty rough. Back in those days, people had to pay their own bills, so they worked what were called “full-time jobs,” instead of hustling as DoorDash drivers or peddling naked selfies on OnlyFans. Yes, I remember when gas was less than $3 a gallon and interest on the national debt was less than a trillion dollars a year . . .

Sometimes the old ways are best.

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