We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Harvard Keeps Lying

29th June 2024

Power Line.

A few weeks back Harvard announced that it would henceforth practice “institutional neutrality” on hot button political and social issues, and no longer issue official university statements. This is an obvious case of closing the barn door after the animals have all escaped, and is clearly a dodge to avoid offending competing alumni and faculty interests with any kind of position on the Hamas War against Israel. For once taking the leftist line could cost Harvard—in fact its tolerance for anti-Semitism already has.

There was a carve-out, of course. Harvard will entertain arguments from anti-Israel protestors to divest Harvard’s endowment from any Israeli-linked assets. Harvard will likely not do this in the end, but it had to make this concession to the campus Hamasniks in order to appease them for the moment.

Now Harvard has come out with two reports, one from the “Presidential Task Force on Combating Antisemitism,” and the second from the “Presidential Task Force on Combating Anti-Muslim and Anti-Arab Bias.” Because of course the bias problem is perfectly symmetrical, and Harvard needs to address “both sides” of the problem. It’s a shabby attempt at moral equivalence in an effort to placate the left, and the Wall Street Journal dutifully reported it thus: “Harvard Finds Jewish and Muslim Students Were Harassed, Bullied and Discriminated Against.”

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