We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Iran Openly Talks About Building A Nuke In Historic Shift

29th June 2024

Read it.

administration in the US, Iranian officials are becoming more open about the possibility of building a nuclear bomb. Tehran’s official policy, backed by years of consistent statements by the Ayatollah, has been to insist its nuclear program is only for peaceful energy purposes, and that nukes go against Islamic morality.

Currently, it is no secret that the Islamic Republic has been drastically increasing the quantity and purity of its enriched uranium – which has hastened over the last year, after an already upward trajectory since Trump pulled out of the JCPOA nuclear deal in 2018.

The New York Times in a fresh report says an unprecedented trend is cause for serious alarm: “For the first time, some members of Iran’s ruling elite are dropping the country’s decades-old insistence that its nuclear program is entirely for peaceful purposes.” This comes just as Iran – which remains the archnemesis of Israel – is about to pick a new president after Ebrahim Raisi’s recent death in a helicopter crash.

Who is so stupid as to believe that Iran isn’t bending every effort to create nuclear weapons?

Who is so stupid as to believe that Iran, if it had nuclear weapons, wouldn’t use them on Israel and neighboring Sunni Muslim states the instant they think they can get away with it?

(Hint: Democrats, starting with Biden and working your way up.)

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