We have seen the future, and it sucks.

ABC, CBS Ignore as NBC Barely Covers Violent Pro-Hamas Mob Harassing LA Jews

24th June 2024

Read it.

On Sunday afternoon, a anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas mob went hunting for Jews near a Los Angeles, California synagogue and Jewish neighborhood, infringing on the right of Jews to live and worship in peace. Along with allowing the terrorist sympathizers to occupy both sides of the street, the scene descended into violence, as exhibited by videos from the scene.

Given this mob wasn’t the same makeup of the white, tiki-torch totting losers who descended on Charlottesville in 2017, ABC, CBS omitted any mention of this during their Sunday night and Monday morning newscasts. NBC wasn’t much better with only 13 seconds on Monday’s Today (and Sunday’s NBC Nightly News having been preempted).

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