We have seen the future, and it sucks.

New Private School ParagonED to Open in Frisco [TX] Emphasizing Practical Skills, Faith-Based Values

24th June 2024

Read it.

Well, that’s good enough, as far as it goes, and probably a step in the right direction – but I notice that, of the four kids shown in the picture, not one is a white male child. So I’m curious as to what their ‘target demographic’ might be.

When my parents were teens (during the Great Depression, I might point out), high school was widely recognized as the terminal educational institution that most kids would attend, and so it had vocational training like Shop and domestic training like Home Ec to prepare kids to go out and get a job and start a family, which is what most of them were going to do.

By contrast, when I was in high school, it was all about going to college, and if you weren’t headed toward college they didn’t have all that much interest in you. (I remember one class where we were told to come prepared to discuss  five colleges where we intended to apply.)

So that really represents a regression to pre-industrial-revolution times in which  you only went to school if you were going on to university; otherwise, you were on your own.

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