We have seen the future, and it sucks.

How Costco Broke Into a Surprising New Market: Modular Housing

23rd June 2024

Read it.

Costco wants to build a new store in Los Angeles’ Baldwin Village neighborhood. The problem with that is the same problem with building anything in California: years’ worth of process and public hearings, as well as the threat of after-the-fact lawsuits. Fortunately for Costco, YIMBYs in California have been chipping away at all this and there are now ways to bypass the legacy review process.’

Note how there is no suggestion that the process might have the wokery accretions that decades of public busybodiness have loaded onto modern life scraped off, or even lightly pruned.

No, no, no! Right-Thinking People must preserve and defend their indefeasible power to stick their noses into everybody else’s business! What’s Wrong With You!?

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Sometimes the old ways are best. (Shit, man! Do you want to return to The Fifties!? Goddamned right I do–I lived in The Fifties, and I would rather live there than here.)

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