We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Condoleezza Rice Goes Viral for ‘School Choice’ Take

23rd June 2024

Read it.

“If you’re really wealthy, you will send your kids to private schools. So who’s stuck in failing neighborhood schools? Poor kids. A lot of them minority kids. So how can you say you’re for civil rights? How can you say you’re for the poor when you’re condemning those children to not being able to read by the time they’re in third grade?

“They’re never going to read. So if you want to say that school choice and vouchers and charter schools are destroying the public schools, fine. You write that editorial in The Washington Post, but then don’t send your kids to Sidwell Friends.”

Sidwell Friends is the expensive woke private school where AlGore and Obama sent their kids.

Say the quiet part out loud: The Crust requires a ‘public’ school system that will keep their sustaining Underclass illiterate and innumerate so that they will remain on the Democrat-government benefits plantation.

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