We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of ‘Changing Men’s Behavior’

18th June 2024

Read it.

The development of totalitarian governments always coincides with sweeping efforts to socially engineer the population to adhere to less rebellious behaviors. Specific groups that present a threat to the regime are usually identified and targeted with propaganda or indoctrination. In tandem, the rest of the population is also conditioned to fear those groups and treat them with suspicion. In this way the establishment elites mold the more submissive public into a shield that protects them from the revolutionaries that might dethrone them.

But what happens when the social engineers want to create tyranny on a global scale? The list of possible rebels grows exponentially larger and effort to control them all or demonize them all becomes far more complex. How can the elites simplify their agenda and suppress the public with more efficiency?

The only answer is to attack and cripple the largest subset of the population that is most likely to give them problems in the future. Which monolithic group is more likely to fight back against the system? Obviously, the answer is masculine men. Therefore, this new global regime seeks to undermine and sabotage men, labeling masculinity an existential danger to society, like nuclear weapons or global warming.

Time to leave.

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