We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Bill Gates Is Breaking Ground on a Nuclear Power Plant in Wyoming

11th June 2024


Gates was in the tiny community of Kemmerer Monday to break ground on the project. The co-founder of Microsoft is chairman of TerraPower. The company applied to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in March for a construction permit for an advanced nuclear reactor that uses sodium, not water, for cooling. If approved, it would operate as a commercial nuclear power plant.

The site is adjacent to PacifiCorp’s Naughton Power Plant, which will stop burning coal in 2026 and natural gas a decade later, the utility said. Nuclear reactors operate without emitting planet-warming greenhouse gases. PacifiCorp plans to get carbon-free power from the reactor and says it is weighing how much nuclear to include in its long-range planning.

Why Wyoming? Well, Wyoming is in the Middle of Nowhere, so there are no close urban areas full of activist robot Democrat mobs to cause trouble–like this one:

Edwin Lyman co-authored an article in Science on Thursday that raises concerns that this fuel could be used for nuclear weapons. Lyman, the director of nuclear power safety with the Union of Concerned Scientists, said the risk posed by HALEU today is small because there isn’t that much of it around the world. But that will change if advanced reactor projects, which require much larger quantities, move forward, he added. Lyman said he wants to raise awareness of the danger in the hope that the international community will strengthen security around the fuel.

Let’s hear it for the effectiveness of the ‘international community’ which can’t even keep Russia from invading Ukraine (both of which have nuclear power plants), or Iran from buying enriched uranium from Niger for its bomb-the-Jews-until-they-glow-in-the-dark project. Yeah, I’m holding my breath.

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