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Biden Memo Instructs SoCal Border Patrol To Release Most Single Adults

11th June 2024

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President Biden’s executive order to curb the illegal alien invasion was nothing more than optically pleasing headlines before the September presidential debates. Just days after the order was signed, US Customs and Border Protection agents in the southern California sector received a memo instructing them to release single adults from all but six countries.

Fox News’ Bill Melugin obtained an internal CBP memo sent to agents in the San Diego sector following Biden’s executive order last Tuesday. The memo instructed them to release single adults from over 100 eastern hemisphere countries, except for six (Uzbekistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan) deemed “mandatory referral” countries. This means despite the president’s promise of stopping the invasion between border checkpoints, the majority, including Chinese, Middle Eastern, and African adults, are still being released into the US.

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