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Islamist Murder: German Government Still Won’t Deport Failed Asylum Seekers

4th June 2024

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While opposition politicians demanded resumed deportations in the wake of the deadly knife attack by an Islamist in Mannheim on Friday, the German government doubled down on not deporting failed asylum seekers. Instead, representatives for the traffic light coalition called for national unity, placing blame on the ‘far right’ for ‘instrumentalising’ the political violence to call for tightening immigration laws.

Anti-terrorism prosecutors have taken over the investigation into the knife attack committed by an Islamist asylum seeker from Afghanistan. German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann said there are clear indications of an Islamist motive for the attack. The federal prosecutor’s office said the attack may have been religiously motivated: the perpetrator is suspected to have wanted to prevent critics of Islam from exercising their right to freedom of expression.

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