We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The 13th First Climate Refugees

3rd June 2024

Read it.

Every few years we get another media piece about the “first climate refugees”. I’ve written about the latest one below.

Here are the first through sixth first climate refugees, and the seventh, ninth, and eleventh-tenth first climate refugees. Where are the eighth first climate refugees? No clue, it’s hard to keep track of them all. Oh, and here are the twelfth first climate refugees.

So where are the 13th first climate refugees? They are some of the Kuna (or Guna) people. They live in Panama, on a tiny island named Gardi Sugdub. And by tiny, I mean minuscule. It is about 1200 feet (366 meters) long and 450 feet (137 meters) wide. The media piece about them is called “Panama prepares to evacuate first island in face of rising sea levels“.

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