We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Day the Democrats Putinized America

1st June 2024

Read it.

On Thursday, May 30th, a jury of 12 New Yorkers erased the last distinctive line between Biden’s America and Putin’s Russia. With their verdict against Donald Trump, finding him guilty on 34 counts of forging business records, they verified that the Democrat party—the party of the sitting president—can organize a trial with its party operatives as judge and prosecutor, and get their political opponent found guilty.

The judge in the case, Juan Merchan, is an entrenched Democrat who has been selected to prosecute more Republicans than just Donald Trump. In the America that we all knew before Biden came into office, judges were selected randomly; from now on, ‘random’ means a Democrat when the defendant is a Republican.

The prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, was elected to the position as District Attorney of Manhattan after having campaigned on a promise to prosecute—more appropriately persecute—Donald Trump. In the America that we all knew before Biden came into office, a DA had to first investigate a case before he could judge whether or not to file charges against anyone.

One Response to “The Day the Democrats Putinized America”

  1. Craig Austin Says:

    I suspect that everything we have heard about Putin is as truthful as what is said about Trump. The same press that tells you Joe is OK, tells you Putin is not. The don’t lie occasionally, they lie constantly.