We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Paul Krugman Dry Heaves Over ‘Stench of Climate Change Denial’

29th May 2024

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The New York Times Bidenomics apologist Paul Krugman took a detour from regurgitating his usual awful economic takes — AGAIN — to throw another fit over climate change “denial.”

Krugman decried the “Stench of Climate Change Denial” in his latest May 27 screed. Krugman drummed up scare-porn over an alleged “emerging sewage crisis” along the Gulf and South Atlantic coasts and claimed it was due to rising sea levels caused by climate change. “In short, it’s not hard to see some terrible outcomes in the not-too-distant future, even before full global catastrophe arrives. Bad stuff is coming, and we’re already starting to smell it,” Krugman decried.

Yes, complaining about overwhelmed, smelly sewers and blaming climate change is what Krugman’s been reduced to, and as usual he plays loose with the facts. As JunkScience.com founder Steve Milloy told MRC Business, “As usual, Paul Krugman gets his facts wrong on climate.” The credibility-challenged economist just can’t seem to quit making himself look more foolish than he already has. After all, this is the same Krugman who absurdly advocated that Americans should “politicize the weather.”

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