We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Blue State Blues: California Senate Passes Bill Requiring Passive Speed Limiters

27th May 2024

Read it.

California Senate Bill 961 (SB 961) was passed by a 22-13 vote this week requiring that 50 percent of new vehicles manufactured or sold in California must have passive speed limiters installed by 2029. By 2032, that percentage increases to 100 percent.

A passive speed limiter is a system that warns drivers with audible and visual signals when their speed exceeds the posted speed limit by more than 10 miles per hour. SB 961 applies to all trucks, buses and passenger vehicles manufactured or sold in the state. Emergency vehicles are exempt from the passive speed limiter requirement.

“California, like the nation as a whole, is seeing a horrifying spike in traffic deaths, with thousands of drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians dying each year on our roads,” said Senator Scott Wiener who put forth the bill. According to the California Office of Traffic Safety’s (OTS) 2023 Traffic Safety Report, one third of all traffic fatalities in the state between 2017 and 2021 were speeding-related.

Time to leave.

2 Responses to “Blue State Blues: California Senate Passes Bill Requiring Passive Speed Limiters”

  1. Joe Blow Says:

    And manufacturers will not make a model for the rest of the country, and a separate one just for sale in California (though you’d think that’d be an easy software thing to do… but I digress). So the rest of the country is subjected to California’s mandates through economic factors. We really should vote to make them their own country. There’s a reason I don’t live in that state, I shouldn’t be subjected to it’s environmental mandates where I live.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:
