We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Drizzle Drizzle? ‘Soft Guy Era’ Parody Trend Sheds Light On Feminist Hypocrisy

27th April 2024

Read it.

First, the feminists claimed that they “don’t need no man” and promoted a culture of “strong independent women,” the idea being that men were holding women back from their true potential. The “patriarchy” conspiracy was an all prevailing issue for woke activists for years, and their answer was to attack and sabotage men and masculinity with a terroristic fervor. Masculinity, they argued, is the root of all historic evils.

However, as feminists gained the backing of governments and massive corporate financiers the idea of women being “oppressed” in western countries seemed even less probable than it did before. What rights under the law do men have that women don’t have? Ask a feminist this question and she’ll have no idea how to answer. Feminism and woke movements in general rely on the image of being the underdog; a heroic revolutionary effort by people who are fighting to gain a voice. But woke activists aren’t fighting “the man”, they are “the man.” You can’t be a revolutionary when you’re the oppressor.

In response, men started giving feminists exactly what they said they wanted: Equal treatment. The old days of chivalry and the expectations for men to support women financially quickly faded, and suddenly feminists discovered that men were no longer spending their cash as freely as they used to. Everything is half-and-half today, and feminists don’t like that.

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