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How Biden’s Paroles of Migrants Could Prompt Illegal Voter Registration

25th April 2024

The Foundry.

The Biden administration’s expanded mass parole program for illegal immigrants could threaten lawful voter registration, election law and border experts contend.

Under President Joe Biden’s parole system—which targets illegal aliens from Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras—up to 30,000 migrants per month who wouldn’t normally qualify for a visa may use a U.S. government app on their cellphones to gain parole and either cross the border or fly into the United States.

“That means they are eligible to work and eligible to get a Social Security number. It just massively increases the number of Social Security numbers for people who are not here legally,” Cleta Mitchell, chairwoman of the Election Integrity Network, told The Daily Signal.

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