A Ridiculous Young Man
9th April 2024
Every recent immigrant and their offspring declare the superiority of American law and culture with every breath they take, with every moment they remain. There is no Soviet-like wall preventing departure. Immigrant community Muslims in America bear witness to the undeniable superiority of American life and freedoms simply by (a) remaining and (b) enjoying opportunities and rights that do not exist in Shariah-shaped cultures.
Is there some programmed psychological barrier that prevents Muslim reflection, cultural self-appraisal, and needed reform? The bizarre need to deny the sheer atrocity of Oct 7 indicates a shared cognitive war against inconvenient facts and the warped realities of Palestinian culture and the peculiarities of Arab national fantasy life.
Islam is an oppressive totalitarian ideology, under the guise of a religion, with which no co-existence is possible. There are none so blind as they who will not see.