We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Birx as the COVID Villain

5th April 2024

The New Neo.

This is an interesting documentary that makes the point that it was Dr. Deborah Birx rather than Fauci who set a great many of the COVID policies that hurt the nation. It also portrays Trump as a victim of Birx, helpless to effectively send a counter-message.

I see it as somewhat different: Birx was instrumental in the lockdown chain reaction, but so were many other players including Fauci and in particular many state governors (especially in blue states). Social media and the press were a big part of it, too, censoring and often ridiculing those who saw it differently. And although Trump tried to counter that, it was a relatively weak effort and not very successful – although granted, he wasn’t a health expert and was relying on those who supposedly were.

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