We have seen the future, and it sucks.

God Save Us From Altruistic Billionaires

17th March 2024

Read it.

There are days when I’m tempted to join the Elizabeth Warren/Bernie Sanders/Joe Biden crusade to impose confiscatory taxes on billionaires. Not for economic or fiscal grounds, or even less for making billionaires “pay their fair share” (“fair share” in liberal speak just means “more”). To the contrary, I’m starting to think we should take the fortunes from many billionaires to stop them from doing more harm than the government does when it taxes and spends and borrows our money. And that’s saying something!

Barron’s reported this week that billionaires are ramping up their philanthropy considerably. But not just to any old traditional charities, but to “transformational” charity.

The ‘inconvenient truth’ that most billionaires are progressives (or act as if they were), a fact that you will never hear from the Narrative media and Democrat politicians, is at the root of the problem.

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