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PETA Asks Jill Biden to Take a Crack at a New Tradition and Host Easter Potato Roll

12th March 2024


Ahead of the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, PETA sent a letter to Dr. Jill Biden today asking the first lady to modernize the celebration by replacing eggs with dyed Easter potatoes. PETA notes that an annual “White House Potato Roll” would please everyone who doesn’t eat these cholesterol bombs for health, cultural, religious, or environmental reasons or because they don’t want to support filthy factory farms, where hundreds of millions of hens are confined to cages smaller than a letter-size sheet of paper, unable to stretch even one wing. In starch contrast, potatoes are cheaper and healthier than eggs and leave birds in peace.

I rather suspect that everybody working for PETA is pro-abortion. I guess a bird’s egg is more worthy of respect than a human egg.

Of course, if ‘Dr.’ Jill Biden is in need of a vegetable to roll, Creepy Joe is right to hand.

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