We have seen the future, and it sucks.

What Is Christian Nationalism?

22nd February 2024

Power Line.

Leftists love to make up categories of people to hate, whether those categories have any basis in reality or not. Lately, “Christian nationalism” has become an obsession of the left. But who are these people? I am a Christian and a nationalist, so am I a “Christian nationalist?” If not me, then who? I am personally acquainted with a great many conservatives, and a great many Christians, and I have never heard a single person identify himself or herself as a “Christian nationalist.”

John Nolte’s post on Rob Reiner’s new documentary, titled “God & Country: The Rise Of Christian Nationalism,” triggered this train of thought. Happily, Reiner’s documentary has been an appalling flop, with virtually no one going to see it. It is not hard to understand why. A normal person would rather slit his wrists.

But Reiner isn’t alone in deploring “Christian nationalism.” I became aware of the phrase mostly because the Evangelical Lutheran Church In America, to which I belonged for many years, was obsessed with it. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the ELCA to come out against sin–how old-fashioned!–or mass murder, or Hamas’s October 7 massacre. (The ELCA is firmly on Hamas’s side on that one.) But Christian nationalism is catnip to the lefties who run the ELCA.

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