We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Lies We Are Forced to Believe – And to Repeat

16th February 2024

Ammo Grrrrrl.

There is no way that we can possibly cover ALL the Orwellian lies and woke absurdities that we are forced to swallow daily AND repeat if we want to sit with the Cool Kids in the Lunchroom. Or have a job or a bank account. Most lies have been addressed by others, including Power Line. But here is my take, with an emphasis on mockery and sarcasm. Sarcasm is considered the “lowest” form of humor. No worries. I am built low to the ground. And I flat-out hate the people who inflict this tripe upon us. Since I can’t shoot them or even ADVOCATE shooting them (which I absolutely do not), the only thing left to do is mock them. Pour yourself a Morning Mocktail and let’s get started.

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