We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Davos, Dictators, & The Real “Threats to Our Democracy”

27th January 2024

Read it.

The Americans who plan to vote for President Trump are not supporting him because they prefer his dictatorial inclinations to the other guy’s, but because they want someone in charge of the executive branch who does not see the government’s role as controlling every aspect of their lives.

This stands in stark contrast to the Democratic Party’s efforts to regulate entire industries out of existence, or the mad, anti-liberty, anti-human fever dreams of the globalists on display at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland.

In 2014, WEF speaker Yuval Harari informed a TEDx event audience that human rights don’t really exist; they are “like heaven or like God—just a fictional story we’ve invented and spread around.” At the 2022 WEF meeting, Alibaba President J. Michael Evans touted a developing “individual carbon footprint tracker” that would monitor where you travel, how you travel, what you eat and what you read on the internet. And the WEF’s 2016 predictions for 2030—including having to pay fines for emitting carbon dioxide (does that include exhaling?), restrictions on meat consumption and the end of private property (“You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”)—are infamous.

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